Vegan athlete cookbook: High protein recipes for better exercise performance (Clean Eating, Healthy Eating, Clean Athletes’ Eating, No Meat Athlete Cookbook)

Vegan athlete cookbook: High protein recipes for better exercise performance (Clean Eating, Healthy Eating, Clean Athletes’ Eating, No Meat Athlete Cookbook)

This book contains proven steps and strategies on how to increase athlete performance using the vegan diet. Many athletes out there limit their performance by not eating the right diet that will ensure optimum performance.
As an athlete, all you want to see is results. One could be a weightlifter, gymnast, acrobat, runner, soccer player, etc., but the objective is common for all of them; to get results. However, to get the results, you need to get the right sources of nutrition for your body. By failure to supply the body with the necessary calories and nutrients for your fitness goals, reaching full potential will always remain a dream as you will never achieve it. That’s the reason management of nutrition intake is essential.

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