PURPOSE DRIVEN FATHERS: Mastering The 7 Pillars of Fatherhood

PURPOSE DRIVEN FATHERS: Mastering The 7 Pillars of Fatherhood

According to Scripture, the role of fathers is so significant that the very last verse of the Old Testament was given to remind us of what ultimately happens when fathers are do not fulfill their role in their children’s lives (Malachi 4:6). What it teaches, is that a society in which fathers do not fulfill their purpose is doomed to failure. But, the opposite of this is also true. A society where fathers fulfill their purpose is destined to succeed in glorious fashion. In Purpose, Driven Fathers, Anderick Biddle explains from Scripture, the roles, which fathers must play in their children’s lives. In this unique perspective on fatherhood, you will learn:
•What children need most from their fathers to become successful
•What it really means to father your children
•How to truly leave a legacy to your children
•The true value of a father in his children’s lives
•How to master the seven pillars of fatherhood
•How to bless your children
•And much more

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